Satoru's Update: New Character, Location, Story, Gameplay & Art.
Beta v0.45.5
New Location: The Cliffs
North of the park, previously blocked from access, is now open. This location continues the story as you go to meet Kimothy’s friend, Satoru.
New Character: Satoru
Satoru is deeply knowledgeable, yet it’ll be harder than you expect to get the right answers from him.
New Story
Learn more about the world of Maya and take the next steps in your journey through the afterlife.
New Gameplay Mechanic: Silence
Mini-combat challenges where every note you play creates the next part of a melody.
New Art: Combat Animations
The main characters combat animations have been completely remade based on newer character designs.
Additional Changes
Music & Audio
Kimothy now has a theme song which plays during some of his cutscenes.
Re-balanced all audio levels in the game.
Added player animations for: Idle, Damage, Block, Evade, Death, Restore.
Added animations for when pieces of the health bar are removed.
Added another location where you can spot the fox.
Full keybindings are now available in the menu, instead of just the combat keys.
The fancy lighting can now be toggled on/off in the Video Settings menu. This was done to help low performance computers maintain a good framerate.
Notable Bugs & Adjustments
Fixed a timing related bug which caused the game to wait for 2.14 billion seconds (67 years) before continuing combat.
Updated small pieces of dialogue across many cutscenes.
You can no longer use modifiers when binding keys (such as Shift+A).
++ many minor bug fixes and adjustments.