Leveling, Character Status, New Font, Background Music & Analytics

Alpha 0.19.1


  • Implemented a background music system.

  • Anytime a gameplay scene is loaded, the game will try to play it’s theme.

  • When entering combat the music will fade out, then pause. When returning to gameplay, it will fade back in.

  • The “Music Volume” option in the Audio Settings menu now adjusts the background music volume


  • Set up Unity Analytics, allowing us to store data about events in the game. For example, we can track how much health players lose in specific fights, how often they die and what part of a song they die. This will make it easier to balance the game because we can detect where players are getting stuck.

  • Added “Play Time” to the player’s save data. Any time they are not in the main menu, this value adds each second that passes, including when in the pause menu.


  • Created the new “Softsquare” textmeshpro font, changed all text in the game to the new font, and adjusted some text to fix issues that arose from the change in font.


  • Each combat victory rewards 50 XP to the player. This includes glitches.

  • Once XP reaches the player’s level * 100, the player gains a level.

  • Max HP now starts at 100 and increases by 5 each time the player levels up.

  • The player now starts with 0 energy and is given 1 additional max energy each time they level up.


  • Created a Status page in the RPG menu

  • The player’s health is now displayed, both current and max with a horizontal health bar below it as a representation of the percentage.

  • The player’s level is now displayed with the player’s current XP progress just below. Including a bar which represents the percentage of the player’s progress towards the next level.

Notable Bugs & Adjustments

  • Reduced the frequency of random encounters.

  • Random battles are now disabled by default (temporarily).

  • Fixed a missing line change with sprite shaking and flashing that caused the player sprite to vanish to another position.

  • Added debug info about the next random encounter to the bottom left of gameplay when in debug mode. The 1st number is the current number seconds walked since the last encounter. The 2nd number is the number of seconds to walk before the next encounter will start. The 3rd and 4th numbers are the min and max values used to randomly generate the 2nd number.

  • Battles are now added to the number of battles done in an area even if random battles are disabled.

  • The player’s current HP is now part of the save file so that it’s saved between plays.

  • Retrying a battle now resets the player’s HP to what it was at the start of the battle.

++ many minor bugs and adjustments.