New Room, Combat Animations, New Art, Cutscene Work
Alpha v0.12.0
This build has a few known bugs, some are quite game breaking, but hey that's Alpha for you.
Known Bugs & Workarounds
When playing the combat test, the enemy attacks will not work the second time you play the song. You have to reset your save file to play the song for the "first time" again. To do this, quit to the main menu and press F1, you'll see an option for "Erase All Game Data". Click this button and restart the game. Warning: This also erases all your settings, such as difficulty and latency calibration.
The menu that appears on death cannot be interacted with. You'll have to press Esc and select to quit.
There's a place you can clip out of bounds. Have fun with that one!
We've moved the combat test location. To test combat you need to interact with the top right door in the waiting room. Shown in the image below.
Added new column art and column flare animations.
The enemy now has a glyph below them.
When the enemy attacks, the slash will now be displayed.
When the slash reaches it’s peak (frame 3), the player sprite will block and the block effect will play. It will play a success or failed block effect depending on whether or not the player has missed any notes.
Once the block effect is finished, the enemy and player will go back to their normal sprites.
Implemented damage numbers. When the player takes damage, the number will appear at the top right and float up, fading away. If they successfully block then it will instead say “Blocked!”
The player sprite now shakes left and right for half a second when hit.
The player sprite now flashes for half a second when hit.
Implemented a note death animation for when you successfully hit a note.
Added a new Welcome Center room; the Hallway.
Implemented a script that allows doors to be unlocked.
The locked door in the hospital waiting room is now unlocked when the player interacts with it while holding the keypass.
Implemented character movement during cutscenes.
Added in a test for movement in cutscenes so you can check it out. In the waiting room, go to the locked door on the top left and interact with it.
Created a character recording script to record player movement and play it back for ease of creating cutscenes.
Added a splash screen to the start of the game that tells the player not to record gameplay. Clicking any key or the left mouse button will continue to the main menu.
Notable Bugs & Adjustments
Fixed an issue where save files wouldn’t load because the game thought they were from an older version.
Fixed an issue where the game would always end up loading the oldest possible valid file instead of the most recent.
Fixed an issue with the dialogue box not going away for certain cutscene actions.
Fixed an issue where holding a held note, then letting go too early would change the top part to the wrong sprite.
++ many minor bugs and adjustments.