Difficulty Modes, Cutscene Functionality with Dialogue Upgrades

Alpha v0.11.0


  • Added difficulty options. Currently it slides between Normal and Hard.

  • Combat will now check the difficulty and play the appropriate version of the song.


  • Completely revamped the dialogue system. Instead of simply being dialogue with some other features integrated, it is now a full-blown scene system that’s much more expandable.

  • Added the ability for Combat to happen as part of a cutscene.

  • The dialogue system can now parse text in-between square brackets as variables. So when we put [RhythmColumn1] it would replace that with the keybind for RhythmColumn1.

Notable Bugs & Adjustments

  • The steam overlay should now properly pause the game during combat as well.

  • The game no longer automatically freezes when not in focus.

++ many minor bugs and adjustments.