Functional Equipment, Passive & Active Combat Effects, SFX, New Sprites, New Cutscenes

Alpha v0.26.2


  • Added 12 new equipment to the game and removed all test equipment. You can obtain all the equipment by interacting (E) with the last door on the left of the waiting room.

  • Added 5 equipment effects which provide passive or active bonuses in combat. Each equipment in the game has a combination of raw stats and effects.

  • Added an active effect called “Delete” which can be activated in combat by pressing the Active Effect key (SPACE).

  • Drastically rebalanced all stats, equipment, damage and effects. Previous values were for testing. New values reflect the desired impact of everything moving forward.

  • Equipment now has full descriptions of their effects shown on the right hand side while hovering over the equipment in the equipment page.

Audio & Music

  • Added sound effects.

  • Sound effects have positional audio and dynamically adjust volume by player distance.

  • Sound effects can be randomly pitch shifted to add variation.


  • Updated Protagonist and Kimothy’s sprites to the new art style.

  • Added idle blinking animations to Protagonist and Kimothy’s sprite.

  • Footstep SFX are synced to the frames where the character steps on the ground and changes depending on which ground type they are walking on.


  • Added two new cutscenes: “Meeting Kimothy” and “Return to Welcome Center”.

  • Improved cutscenes to allow more flexibility in character and camera movement.

  • Improved dialogue boxes to allow for greater customization and to allow special features for specific characters. (Example: Kimothy is locked to only speaking in lowercase)

  • Increased the default size of character portraits to 64x64 (previously 32x32) and portraits can now change to show different emotions based on the dialogue text.


  • Added a combat log. A detailed report of each battle is now saved to a text file found in your Nocturne folder. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Pracy Studios\Nocturne\Combat Logs

  • Attacks no longer occur at a fixed timing interval. They now occur after every X notes are played. X is determined by the enemies speed value.

  • Enemies always deal one final attack at the end of a song.

  • Added an early draft of the combat tutorial that happens during the Meeting Kimothy cutscene.


  • Upgraded Unity from 2017.4 to 2018.2

Notable Bugs & Adjustments

  • Fixed a bug which allowed the stretcher (the long middle section of a hold note) to move vertically up the screen.

  • Fixed the black vertical lines appearing while moving around outside.