The Next Chapter

I'm Pracy, and this is the official development blog for Nocturne.

It's been two years since the proof-of-concept prototype was created. I'm now excited to announce the game began full time development in May 2018. Here's what to expect if you decide to follow this blog.

  • Details about the ongoing development of the game.

  • Screenshots and videos as we add new features.

  • Discussions about game design & storytelling.

  • Why I really like lowercase and you should too.

  • Bugs, glitches, crashes. It’s fun when things go wrong.

  • News about beta testing, demos and release dates.

  • Insight into the design process and reasons behind them.

  • Lots of bullet points.

If you'd like to contact me, you'll find an email form on the about page.
Or you can follow development via social media.


This blog is a continuation from the Robot Hat blog. All information from the Robot Hat blog is now considered outdated and is only linked to maintain a complete archive of Nocturne's development.

Glad to have you here!

 - Pracy