Nocturne Release Update

When we opened Nocturne up for Beta earlier this year, we expected a few people would be interested, perhaps ten or twenty at most. Instead the response was huge and we delivered over 400 Beta keys in just a few months. Since then we’ve been working to add many of your suggestions and fix all the bugs you’ve found.

The original plan was to release Nocturne: Prelude on Steam before the end of 2019. I’m happy to report that we’re close, very close. But with only a few days left before the new year, we’ll be pushing the release to Q1 2020.

Meanwhile we’ve updated the steam build to v0.61.9, which is our Prerelease build. While this build is feature complete, it doesn’t include the new maps, enemies and boss fight, as we’re saving those for the public release.

We’re in the final stretch of testing and if you find any bugs, no matter how small, please report them on our discord or email

We’ll leave you with a preview of the new content coming in the public release.
