Menus and Mirrors Update
Beta v0.54.0
Menu: Icons & Descriptions
The menu now has icons for all items and abilities. We’ve also improved the descriptions on the right to make them more readable.
When you find items around the world, the dialogue will include the icon, so you know at a glance which slot you can equip it in.
The status page has been completely redesigned. It now lists all the abilities you have equipped so you can easily check what kit you have without needing to scroll through your equipment page.
Difficulty: Save Points
The option to change your difficulty setting has been removed from the menu and placed at save points. You can now only change your difficulty while at a save point. This was always the intended way to change difficulty, we only had it in the menu during early beta for easier testing.
Combat: Mirror Mode
When you get a random encounter, there’s now a 50% chance you’ll have a mirrored chart. This adds more variety to the encounters.
Additional Changes
The transition between maps is now smoother. You should always appear at the same relative spot when you transition between two maps.
Adjusted some of the menu colours to better accommodate for Protanopia, Deuteranopes & Tritanopes colour blindness.
The Data button has been removed from the menu.
The game now quicksaves after each successfully won battle. These quicksaves do not remain if you quit the game. They are used as “continue” points if you die before reaching a save point. You must still save at a savepoints to record your progress before quitting.
Notable Bugs & Adjustments
Fixed an issue that caused the player to sometimes move slightly at the end of a cutscene because they were finishing the movement that got interrupted.
Fixed an issue that caused the camera to wiggle when snapping back to the player after moving in a cutscene.
When clearing corruption, the music now fades back in instead of returning abruptly.
The player’s sprinting is now accounted for when determining the movement animation’s speed.
++ many minor bug fixes and adjustments.